Tuesday, October 6, 2015

RedHat Software Collections - Directory Structure

In order to prevent non-standard Software Collection packages from interfering with standard ones, RedHat came up with a special directory structure to separate each packages into its own little world.

Here is an example of what the directory tree looks like for MySQL 5.5 from SC2:

(note: "tree" won't provide a clear view of only the directories that I want to show, so I had to put the pieces together)

└── rh
    └── mysql55
        └── root
            ├── bin
            ├── boot
            ├── dev
            ├── etc
            ├── home
            ├── lib
            ├── lib64
            ├── media
            ├── mnt
            ├── opt
            ├── proc
            ├── root
            ├── sbin
            ├── selinux
            ├── srv
            ├── sys
            ├── tmp
            ├── usr
            └── var
                ├── cache
                ├── db
                ├── empty
                ├── games
                ├── lib
                │   ├── games
                │   ├── misc
                │   └── mysql
                ├── local
                ├── lock
                │   └── subsys
                ├── log
                ├── mail -> spool/mail
                ├── nis
                ├── opt
                ├── preserve
                ├── run
                │   └── mysqld
                ├── spool
                │   ├── lpd
                │   └── mail
                ├── tmp
                └── yp

The service names are also somewhat different, with a very precise convention, making it easy to differ between installed versions:


Note how the first portion of the service name specifies the name and version of the package.


For details on RH and Community Software Collections, visit the documentation at:


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