Tuesday, August 18, 2015

KDE vs GTK theme mixup

I run KDE (plasma) 5 as my main desktop windowing environment and every once in a while I like to go back to gnome just to see how different things are.  Mostly they both play nicely together, however once in a while it seems my theme settings get mixed up.  I think some of the settings are application dependent.

Here's the problem:

I use Gnome temporarily for a day or two and use KDE based applications like Dolphin for example.  In this scenario, dolphin will automatically adapt and use a GTK+ theme when used in Gnome.  When I revert to using KDE and start using Dolphin, this application will be stuck in GTK+ theme and will not automatically revert back to its KDE based theme, like breeze.

My first attempt at reverting the theme was obviously to use the "system settings -> application style" interface.  This did work for some applications under some circumstances, but it did not appear to solve all of the theme issues.

I've tried a "fix" which was recommended by luebking on the KDE forum: https://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=120676

The recommended solution is to run the "qtconfig-qt4" tool, which will provide you with the ability to reset all the themes.  While it appears similar to the "system settings -> application style" interface, it seems to do a more thorough job of fixing the problem.

$ qtconfig-qt4

Since I was running "breeze" as the theme, I had to switch to something else, then back to breeze.  Upon closing the window, the interface prompted me to save my changes, which I did; there is no "apply" button.

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